Healthcare on Wheels

About the Program

What is Healthcare On Wheels?

Health Care On Wheels was developed in 2011 as an innovative approach to care coordination that includes provision of health care services, health literacy education, use of telemedicine and outreach and linkages to community resources such as access to medication and health insurance. Health Care On Wheels provides services for underserved communities in Choctaw, Marengo, Greene, Hale, Sumter, Wilcox and Perry counties.

The overarching goal of the Health Care On Wheels program is to develop and expand primary health care services in the Delta Region that addresses longstanding and unmet health needs that will ultimately:

  • Reduce the disease and economic burden of chronic disease.
  • Improve the quality of life of persons who have or are at risk of developing chronic disease.
  • Increase outreach and linkage to other healthcare resources.

Our mobile health van is a totally independent unit staffed with a doctor, certified registered nurse practitioner or registered nurse with the capability of performing patient hands-on healthcare/clinic services. The type of services to be offered will include, but not limited to, a complete health assessment and preventive health screenings such as blood sugar tests, cholesterol and blood pressure checks. The van also is equipped with the latest technology, using video medicine as a means of seeing potential patients through the Salus telemedicine program. This mobile program provides a free market physician network, resulting in high quality patient care at a considerably low price.

Mobile healthcare unit nurse providing services in underserved areas, van and equipment
A boy is being vaccinated. A child is given a vaccine during an epidemic or outbreak of a disease. A kid during routine vaccination